stuck on #8 sweet’s girl in GTA san andreas, idk how to crouch either, its a nintendo switch
Wth is this gap for
Suggest food order for me under 200rs🙃
What are your impulse purchases which you regret buying in 2024?
indian men reek of insecurity
Does anyone have readed homunculus ,
got my bf a ps5 as an early christmas present:3
Just rate me, even if I'm ugly
New to Nagpur
hiii should i get these?
all the makeup i own as a 20(F)
My liquid assets 💋
Who’s hungry?😋
Purchased ps5 with my own money it's best feeling ever
Fuck relationship posts. see my Tony
Gift suggestions for marriage
Wanna get rid of acne...any suggestions??
The women on this sub are a godsend
Bought my first sneakers.
Teens which phone do you own?
booboob results
My boyfriend’s strict parents saw our pictures, and I’m terrified about their reaction. How do I cope with this anxiety?
which ones should i get for my bf?
I feel Insecure about my Height
19F, where can we get good cheesecake in Nagpur