is it ok to let dwellers out exploring overnight?
new foster dad here
Anyone out there
Okay, but who was your very first "Damn, I want to be him" character?
What are some misconceptions about being ftm?
Is it weird that I want to replay DS for a second time after finishing it awhile back?
Legendary Twins
amyone else got wetter on T?
I think I might be trans.
cant break my ampule
how many vials of blood do they take during bloodwork
weird ways to affirm your gender?!??
locked out of my iphone
Voice higher around family??
Phobie from penises
20 days on T and got my period
They weren’t lying when they said trans men might look younger than they are…
Folks going on T - Which change are you most impatient to have?
Dang (ignore this this is for word count)
worried i messed up my T shot
how long do you wear your binder before washing?
i don't care what pronouns people use?
Antony Starr and Karl Urban, who is more popular/beloved in NZ?
where can i get needles?
how to deal with bullying