Dresses Over Jeans: A Retrospective
Comments trying to convince op to hijack a 70 year old woman's birthday party
MIL telling me when to celebrate my birthday
Imma's twitch
I’m jumping to weird conclusions. Tell me I’m a good dad. :(
I’m hating myself as a parent tonight.
Going gray and loves to lay
AITAH for just refusing to cook for my wife at this point?
Has anyone here quit smoking before?
Help me understand my gender non-conforming preteen?
what’s the most random thing that makes your skin crawl?
Family doesn’t care I’m autistic. How do I tell them I need to go?
What happens to Pinuccia, Lila's parents and brother in the last book like what are they doing? Why Lila's brother became a drug addict? I watched all the four series but I don't read the last three books
What are your favorite books you’ve read this year ?
I've tried SO HARD to keep enjoying Duolingo but this...
If you had to listen to a song on repeat for the duration of your shower, which would it be?
Growing up with hyperlexia and ability to figure out unknown/new vocabulary words
Have any of you found a perfume that smells nice even when overwhelmed?
What are your thoughts on Australia Banning the use of Social Media for kids under 16?
Obvious signs of sensory issues that you overlooked?
new hotdog restaurant on 46th st has some very interesting art
What is your belief of why autism is diagnosed less in females than males?
I often find autistic people who don't/can't mask effectively annoying ... but I'm autistic. Can someone help me try to understand this?
Did anyone get higher than me?
Does Anybody Else Not Allow Their Preteens TikTok.
What is a word or phrase you have added to your vocabulary because of survivor?
How to stop ordering food when burnt out?