[PS5/PS4] W:Mule H: Mule, items, Rune stacks.
can someone help me with NG5 malekeith ps4
ps4 anyone want to pvp me I wanna see if i gotten stronger
[PS4] W: See description H: Mule, Karma, 99 Lord Runes
[PS5] W: Millicent’s Prosthesis H:Ask
[PS4] W: Beastman’s Curve Sword H: Mule, Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword+9, Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear+10, Black Knife, Royal Greatsword+9, Starscourge Greatsword+9, and Morgott’s Cursed Sword+9
[PS4/PS5] PvFree Giveaway Returns... with MAX LEVEL WEAPONS. Read below.
W: Redmane Knight Armour (×2 if possible?), Leggings and Gauntlets H:Ask and I'll check! (PSX)
(Ps5) Malenia NG+5
Can someone donate some magma blade please :(((( ps4
(PS4/5) W: Aeonian Butterflies, Rotbone Bolts H: Lord Runes, ask (most weapons and talismans)
Anyone who is skill and has a bleed build pls help me fight malenia ps5 pw 0000
ps5. w: mule. it's a big dump, basically everything from my main to a new pvp char, including all maxed weapons. h: runes stacks, dupe my stash.
[PS4] W: 699 runes H: Karma, ask, I have alot
ps4 malenia ng+
Friendly PVP? Ps5
PS4/5 W: Mohgwyns Sacred Spear +10 H: everything / ask
[PS4/5] W: 2 x (+0) Scavengers Curved Sword, White Mask, Mushroom Crown. H: Karma
[Help][PS4] Commander Niall, at fog gate. name Kiwi's wrath. pass is kiwi
[PS4] W: Dupe a few items; H: Ask
“Ps4” help me kill the fire giant he’s very annoying. Password is fire
(Ps5) Ansel NG+5
help please mohg lord of blood ps4 pass 1234