Unfunny reaction images, assemble!
The correct opinion
Redesign debate
What do you think about the idea of uniting?
Does William mean anything by these tweets or maybe they're connected
F5 and the Ninja colors.
So, do you guys agree?
This must be how it looks to the enemies
Family Tree Retcons you like??
What was your favorite Alien introduction?
God speed, jedi
What character is this?
Characters who are “1 million percent muscle”
Characters dying to their own most iconic attack
I actually hate Mothwing
This time the trailer is more like a trailer and we have a good shot of Kur's elemental power👀https://youtu.be/mgUzCVjBOUo
Why are there so many ridiculous names? [RANT]
Mosspelt should not be alive rn
Favourite Heatblast voice?
Bellicus misses the dinosaurs.
What is Your Favorite Background Only/Super Minor Characters in Ben 10? I've Always Liked All the Background Aliens in Incarcecon, Especially this One.
Cowboys who aren't from the wild west
Why did the Overlord put Lloyd in his mouth?
Gwen’s response here is my response to whenever Ben turns into Four Arms or Humungousaur for the one billionth time and I’m like JUST USE SOMEONE ELSE FOR MORE SCREENTIME.
Rate the new Mordex your beloved skin