I also like to live dangerously
Looking for an earbud to help with ear protection in noisy work environment but also allow me to hear people talk. Is there anything like this?
Why are there so many canadians in this group?
Can I tell if my goat skull is make or female?
Can I afford a 550k condo in the GTA?
"you know our benefits include free therapy, right?"
Any Tips to Make This Hold Better?
Many cars pulling to shoulder on 407 before Dundas, Toronto Bound
What kind of voltage are these signs usually?
What does my fridge say about me? (I’m sorry)
Do you prefer the top or bottom way?
Can someone photoshop an embarrassing photo of my buddy on to this newmans own?
ECX much better than SQ?
how to become a electrician in Ontario (confused on path)
Resi Life. This is a $650,000 house.
I/O power switches
what does my fridge say about me :)
On a scale from “I burnt the toast” to “I burnt the house down,” how bad would you rate his work?
Does this contain asbestos?
What’s my fridge say about me?
60A circuit - what failed?
Went grocery shopping on Friday. What can you deduce about me from my fridge?
Do you knock?
Melted marks on main breaker screws?