Advice for a 17 Year old
SPYI- Help🫶
Opinons on ACRE
Is this good?
Late Game Score Victory
What would a year of life be like in your empire in your most recent civ game?
What is Yours?
How do I win this game?
77 Leaders on Deity! Only took 1700 hours. S/O Potato and Ursa, couldn't have done it without you!
Aragon and Naples is Available on the Workshop Now!
Pulled a Eisenhower
Does it matter when I put down my industrial zone? Or will it go eventually to +7 after I put the rest of my districts down or is it locked in at 4 when i put it down?
Same turn 🤩
What’s the difference between Disctrictx11 and 12? And which one is better.
Help with mods, i’m new to hoi4 and I don’t know how to get it to work
My favorite thing to do on Earth map
Gorgeous Auckland-Mausoleum Yields (and some more pictures from my game)
My two favorite mods what are your guys
I don’t think they like me…
Moving all the way across Europe for these yields
Perfect timing
That's the highest gold per turn I've ever seen
Which civ would you play on this map?
I finally won on Deity!