Need Legal Advice Regarding Defamation and Online Harassment
Broke student curious about parking violation ($110)
Custody of step daughter
Detective called me in for questioning
Are there movies that have an empathetic lens on abusive people?
Angel Merch!!!
This sub could do a lot worse than Mr. Peanut.
Can I post an exposé about my current job?
What does everyone think about the angel ripoff TV series moonlight? Another vampire detective.
did i have to give the officer my id?
My Husky got loose in an apartment building in Miami
Did Trump's executive order just make everyone in the U.S. female?
Are former police officers mandatory reporters of crimes by other officers?
Could I sue my neighbor got lost wages?[North Carolina]
If you could use a Polyjuice Potion to temporarily transform into any character, who would it be and why?
ex husband passed away leaving 2 minor children
Those cookies look good
I feel horrible for Lex
President Lenny, do you have anything to say?
Library banning sitting on the floor
My boyfriends ex has a DVO against him and she has contacted me twice
Hi r/seinfeld, I'm Brian!
Friend wrongly accused of domestic assault