[Spoilers Main] Why does everyone think Ned Stark is so honourable despite Jon?
( Spoilers main) how do you believe R+ L took place?
Pengguna jalan yang ngerokok sambil nyetir mobil/naik motor = u deserve one sweet spot in hell
21 January 2025 - Daily Chat Thread
Boross Baratheon > Criston Cole
Indonesia Mentioned 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 (??!?!?)
Sorry idealisme Uang sudah berbicara
[Spoilers MAIN] Dorne's action during the Robert's Rebellion are baffling. Why do they not commit?
[Spoilers Main] Does HotD season 2 make Rhaegar look a bit like an idiot?
Lontong Sayur dan Daging Balado ala Fine Dining
Apartemen vs Kontrakan
Trump Ingin Relokasi Sebagian Warga Gaza ke RI, Apa Kata Indonesia?
Robert has Robb bethrothed to Margaery Tyrell
Ada yang bisa konfirmasi kalau ilustrasinya pake AI atau tidak? (Identitas Kependudukan Digital)
Indonesia is now the largest country in which TikTok is not currently banned
Worth it kah beli GPU bekas teman?
[Spoilers Main] Ned didn't have to hide Jon from Robert.
Would you call Dany the most controversial character in the series? [spoilers main]
Why didn't Rhaenyra just sneak into his chambers and kill him? Was the pie dulling her senses?
Banyak yang memaklumi ritual ini karena menganggapnya bagian adat yang perlu dilestarikan. Padahal di negara lain sampai pakai sistem 6-12 juri dalam persidangan biar hasil keputusan lebih netral bukan sekadar kuat-kuatan tahan nafas kayak gini.
Why didn’t the free cities ever unite to invade Westeros? (Spoilers extended)
18 January 2025 - Weekend Chat Thread
TIL : Pacaran and/or nikah sama sepupu lumayan banyak di Indo
Ada yang ngerti pola pikir expert agama? It amazes me how hypocrite they are