Where does the myth that “NBA players weren’t friends back in the day” come from?
Why aren’t there rivalries in the NBA?
Unpopular Opinion about Kanye?
What celebrity embodies the “I don’t care” attitude to a tee?
Unpopular Opinion about Michael Jackson?
Unpopular opinion about Tupac?
Which of his three sisters was Michael Jackson closest to?
What is the most overpowered character in all of fiction?
Who are the best storytellers in music history?
Why do people get upset at uptick in 3pt shooting today like that wasn’t gonna happen anyway?
Why didn’t Madonna resonate with younger generations the same way Michael Jackson did?
Who was the 2nd biggest artist in the Michael Jackson era?
What celebrity doesn’t gaf the most?
Has PAC ever mentioned Assata Shakur and vice versa?
How was the reaction when PAC got out of jail?
Before starting their nba careers,which players you were most right and wrong about
What is the easiest/least stressful insurance job
What job in insurance requires no interactions with clients?
How much customer service is involved as an Underwriter Technical Assistant?
What entry level office jobs that require 0 phone calls?