What the flying crap on a cracker is this??
Leaving this here…
How would you feel if your child enjoyed cross dressing?
Are immigration laws in the US about to get as bad as social media and news is portraying them to be?
Trump administration puts federal diversity, equity and inclusion staff on leave
Do your Christian beliefs compel you to (nonviolently) confront Nazis?
Huey P. Newton co-founder of the Black Panther Party with Palestinian resistance fighters outside an unnamed refugee camp in Lebanon 1980.
This is too funny😂
Has anyone ever been swayed by a protest?
We’re now getting to a point where even the fucking 1960s have more equal rights.
Thank You Illinois
He did WHAT????
Illinois is the resistance
New Yorkers asked why did they vote for Trump
What are your thoughts on the Trump White House's "Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions"?
Look at this guy out in the wild
Thoughts Jan 20, 2025
Accurate representation
libleft meets Stalin
Government website offering reproductive health information goes offline
This is what we do
Hank Green answers directly to this subreddit
Stay calm, there are no new developments.