miniboss stealer
Does Scarf's study not give MP?
Anti-rat measures
My hyp is a 10/10
fishing without hype
Can someone tell me how much it's worth
wtf, #123 jade dye dropped by myself (957 runs and no alloy, but i dropped this x10 times more rare xd)
do i put Giant Killer on hype or claymore or will it cause a minor difference and just sell it?
I think my networth is really low any recommendations what i can do to progress?
I would like to express my absolute hatred for this room. I have fallen down into lava trying to speed clear rooms so many times that I now have to make this post expressing my feelings
5.5b nw without a hype
what pet for berserker dungeon F5+
Are magma cube minions terrible now?
Luckiest moment I've ever had in any game probably
SkyBlock Maniacs Please let me rejoin
Life is hard , but im harder
got my first ever solo f7 comp
I Love U Skyblock🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
Am i rng carried now? (35th run)
In my 2k Nucleus Runs I dropped more Alloys then Quick Claws
Now that slime minions got nerfed to the ground, whats the best replacement?
Juju non (me) drops a divan alloy after like 60 runs and buys a f2 key
I might be cooked