What or who has caused the most physical pain that you have ever felt?
What changed the way you see the world?
Your username is what kills you. How do you die?
Study sources
What is the limit to gluing wounds?
Surgical references
teach us something practical/handy about your specialty
Do men usually feel sexually about their female friends?
Shaky hands
Any good anatomy decks
Studying anatomy
If you could fulfil any fantasy without any consequences, what would it be?
An army of your username is launching a full scale attack on Earth. How screwed are we?
Does anyone have this wallpaper
People who take 20-30 minutes to shit, what are y’all doing in there?
What situation is always made out to be really sexy or romantic on TV, but is actually horrible and traumatizing in real life?
What is the stupidest thing you believed as a kid?
You have seen too much good stuff today, here's a shitpost to balance it out.
Little bit frightening
At the end of the day, we’re all really just smart monkeys
What is the sexiest thing a man can wear?
What is your favorite show of all time?
If you could change or add one thing to Reddit, what would it be?
What's a food that is heavily overrated and not that good?