If they had lived and the Bankruptcy had happened?
Constantly posing for photographs is crazy making. The Watts children vs a child who just wants to play
Were they definitely behind on the mortgage payments?
What would benefit if the case went to trial?
Did the Watts have separate checking accounts?
Sick kiddos 😷🥴🤮🤢🤧🤒
Why did Chris lie to investigators about such trivial things?
Best “Oh sh*t moment
NYE nuts
Would anyone happen to know if these pictures are from the NC trip? Could this be JW’s daughter? Looks like cousin love to me. 💕
Bella's regression
Why is there so much hate toward Shannan?
Cristina M’s YT video “I need to say this…”
Michael Corrado: The Real (and Forgotten) Victim
Leroy Schmitz
Shannan letting Cece do whatever tf she wants.
What was the purpose of the “Vision Board” gatherings? I’ve never heard or been to one. I certainly have better things to do with my life!
My puppy passed away
When "privacy" is no longer in your vocabulary
Raydean is horrible
So, how much do you reckon CW's ultimate 'f these kids' was influenced by his absolute conviction...
When am I going to love this dog? Lol
"Rain Machines"
I cannot with Chazz