Guys hear me out on this ship.
Warframe gender bent skins potential tierlist
AoS meets 40K pt 3. SUCH IS THE POWER OF NAGASH edition
The Imperium of Men Invade the Infinite, constant Mortal Realms, and Sigmar and his other God Allies aren't allowing he false God to take them, Which side are you on?
The only pure evil race is the rich
Dwarfs or Elves for most fun ranged campaign?
It's been 10 years you can like aos now
Clones/copies of people that form their own unique identity
how it feel to spread information
If they intervened, could the celestial emperor along with the entirety of his empire stood a chance against Archaon?
Due to them all being trans, SM are longer recognized in America.
So what is the ultimate frame and why is it Sevagoth?
What are some of the overrides y'all'd like to see return as mods or arcanes?
The Grineer and Corpus have gotta start leaving ships in atmosphere more often
I replayed New war and a glitch allowed me to give Ballas what he rightfully deserved
A death that’s made into a big event but they are resurrected almost immediately [hated trope]
The Razor of Drazak
“Wow, I guess I never factored robot dysphoria into deciding if I wanted to get HRT.”
And they’re just as petty.
What is it
Psycho Warrior Legion: Doom Wings (When they find Space King they are going to Recite so much Poetry)
Any recomendations for books that are not about the horus heresy
I've collected all the Karak-finity stones. Name sugestions welcome! More info in the comments.
Fire caste: Orks are too aggressive and is useless to use diplomacy. The Water caste: “Hold my Greater good propaganda”
When saviour of humanity meets actual saviours of humanity