Scared of Tylenol
Chiggers 😭😭😭
TIL 40% of HPV related cancers occur in men.
What songs make you cry involuntarily?
Street Fighter Alpha 3 for Me.
The 96th annual Academy Awards official discussion thread
How old are you and what are you currently excited about?
My high strung, anxious rescue dog attacked my 5 yo nephew. Feel like I set him up for failure and need to figure out next steps.
What does “natural diversity that isn’t forced” look like to people who don’t like “wokeness” in movies?
What movie did you expect it be “meh” but turned out to be really good
DAE involuntarily cry in their sleep?
Sea cucumber opening it's mouth to feed.
Any other crawly bois I missed?
And the wonder why all our racetracks are closing
What is the worst thing you accidentally took home with from work?
New grad to charge nurse
Why is it the standard in many hospitals for EVS to not touch bodily fluids?
What’s a sequel is better than the original?
Americans of Reddit, what is something the rest of the world needs to hear?
What’s your favorite rap song of all time?
Applying for jobs after "1 year of experience"
What was ur first job as a new grad nurse
Which celebrity's death made you cry?