Just out of curiosity, what do American arabs who voted for trump think about this decision?
Egypt will probably collapse in the next 5 years
How do you feel about young children wanting to wear hijab?
Remember when US attacked Taliban 4 days after the peace deal
Say yes to racism
القوميين المصريين
Why are so many ex-muslims pro israel??
Where are my actually open-minded Entps??
Reading comments about the second release of POWs on the isr*el subreddit is hilarious, what’re your thoughts?
Why are so many arabs racist to us egyptians??
Four Israeli hostages seen in Gaza City square ahead of handover
Is Islam growing fast in Europe and The World to 2100?
Religions which changed original core beliefs.
I am a 33 year old ENTP woman, AMA
I don't know what to say:
American militants are terrorists BUT so are native American militants did you forget the 7th of October 1723???!!!
Thoughts on Netanyahu pardoning a nazi?
How is the state of free speech in your country?
Do you ever wish you were from a different nationality ?
Is it a sin to pray inside a Jewish Synagogue?
Most common ancestry in USA (self identified)
From a Jewish POV, why should a non-Jew become a Noahide?
What are your top 3 favourite games so far?
What do you think of our Kurdish brothers?
Egyptians in Europe, do you regret it?