Sparklehorse - what song…
Hippie band recommendations?
what are yalls most listened genres?
Great japanese songs?
Song Recs
Any songs like The White Stripes - “We’re Going To Be Friends”
Should i go razor?
Greatest Musicians by Surname day 9 - Rodriguez
How compatible are you with me?
What music should I start listening to?
40s-70s Folk music
Well well well...looks like Billy is going to suckle on the teet once more
What are the most important albums of the 1960s?
Whats your favorite beatles deep cut
New Cici’s Limited Pizza
Who’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Male and Female Canadian Rock Singers of All Time?
What are your top 15 Favourite Bands
[IIL] California dreamin’, but more on the depressing side
2025: why do folks prefer Spotify over Pandora?
Favorite skateboarder.
Who’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Punk Singers of All Time?
iil Electric Feel - MGMT
Tierlist for RYM top 100. Joining this discussion since I've yet to see one made by someone thats interracted with other humans
What word(s) do you associate with the skateboarding culture?
Rose City Band - Floating Out