[KCD2] I just can't stop playing this game. Finished my first play through at 77 hours and I've been working on my second play through. I try to take a break but I just end up firing up the game again. Warhorse truly made a masterpiece.
What are you wearing today?
Is it better than Hospital and Campus?
[KCD2] Anyone else annoyed with how little gold merchants have in KCD2?
Here is the cover, what is the song? [OTHER]
Blackened neo folk or bands that where black metal to neo folk?
[KCD2] Mutt is a menace. Even in “Stay”. “Call off that mutt or ill report you for public nuisance!” while stealthstealing.
Finished [KCD2], now what?
Caladan Brood - Book of the Fallen (2013)
I made a [KCD2] Easter egg in my literature lesson
Spotify curators?
I’m torn between ATS and ETS2.
What ATS state DLC are you most excited for?
[KCD2] Demons of Trosky - fireplace hunt?
Windows Down; Volume Up! What Is Everyone Listening To On Their Long Hauls?
[KCD2] Hairstyles from the new barber update
Suggestions for Melodic Death Metal bands that are brutal?
Give me your best melodic death metal bands
Shold I get Civ VI on PS5
why is “dsbm” so on the nose?
What metal songs are way too short, in your opinion?
Here is my weekly chart.
How many melodeath bands do you listen to?
Songs with "medieval"/"Fantasy"/"Bard"/"DnD" vibes
Melodeath with more violent/unemotional themes?