Tired of American politics. Rest of the world, how are you all doing?
PS5: [W] Listed below [H] Karma, ask (don't have much to offer)
Kater, the cat of the entire universe
Is Clive your favorite FF protagonist?
Lidi stále nechápou body positivity
Caption This Part Deux
Konspirační teorie
Proč holky klukům neřikaj, že jsou hezký?
If you could have one, would you pick a Chirithy or Moogle?
Why the fuck did four hit the gangnam style mid fight???
Blog.cz stesk
Kdo si ještě pamatuje na tuto pohádku?
LOD? Didn't know it was a thing here
“Nobody’s perfect”
Every time I see this image, to me it looks like Jin’s waiting on a pizza he ordered 2 hours ago
If Rando was trained under Genkai and be put to the same path and fight same enemies as Yusuke how far could he go? When would he hit the wall?
Reina mains are so god damn negative
Říkal jsem si, že by to tady někoho mohlo zaujmout. Nikdy mě nenapadlo si MediEvil spojit s něčím z ČR (krom dabingu v remaku).
Did you know? Zarok's astronomical clock seen in the original game's full motion video cutscenes and The Entrance Hall level seems to be based on the Prague Orloj, one of the most famous medieval astronomical clocks in the world.
Today is Aerith day! It’s her official bday! If you have some photos of her to drop then drop them for everyone!
Ne každá dívka, která má piercing v pupíku je pornoherečka, ale téměř každá pornoherečka má v pupíku piercing.
Jak pročistit hlavu!
Hraju Doom Eternal Zhulenej 🤟🏻
Děcka jedou čelindž a žerou paralen. Realně jich x bylo v nemocnici skrz předávkování.
I think I just completed Playstation.
The Rebirth Experience