My dad asked me to visit him cause he dug out our old 360 and he wanted to play some halo like we used to, almost 20 years ago
the (by AI) unbeatable ship (they shoot through the middle)
Too many
Ist Kickl gewachsen oder gab es a Größenangabenumrechnungsproblem beim Anfertigen dieses Doubles?
do we do it???
Urshifu missing surging strikes in 4.1
I bin ume kema 🤙
It isnt just you - Unranked is ACTUALLY harder than Ranked
Your favorite Item
Dooley Mains have a new BFF
this HAS to be the worst skill in the game right
Campaign map performance
Pyg is so broken this patch it's not even funny
I know it's been discussed to death, just had to get it out of my system
My opponent hit me for 200 mil in about 5 seconds with an Radiant Crane.
How do u play this game?
Going on hunger strike
Gumball Slider
Are people ever actually beating Void Golem?
Noch ein Meme aus gegebenen Anlass
Iron Within dat ass
Follow up Post, because you asked for it: Mini Satisfactory Grand Prix
We've had crook build, yes, but what about 2nd crook build?
How happy are you with the shift towards "charge on X"?
Is Lifesteal enchant just worse Heal enchant now?