Sec Kristi Noem of Homeland Security, regarding ending TPS for Venezuelans: "The people of this country want these dirtbags out"
Which BLEACH song is this for you ?
Which Tyler song is this for you?
I just thought of something. Imagine you were a random soul brought to Soul Society by a random soul reaper that wasn’t present during the war. You spawn in, hear explosions, look up, and see this:
PSA para los venezolanos relacionado con las noticias del TPS: aquí sale en lenguaje claro lo que significa la orden ejecutiva de Trump y la secretaria de DHS Kristi Noem.
‘We stopped that’: Trump administration revokes deportation protections for Venezuelans
TPS Venezuela rescinded
Which hero would you trust the most to pick you up from the airport?
Trump officials revoke Biden’s extension of protections for Venezuelans | The Biden administration had extended protections for more than 600,000 Venezuelans. The cancellation of the extension could open them up to deportation in the coming months
Trump Officials Revoke Biden’s Extension of Protections for Venezuelans
Which country in your pov has the most potty mouths,?
Ginuary Day 8: Barq's Root Beer
Songs with the same name as their artist
What’s your signature scent and how old are you?
May lack some pixels here
Imagine explaining your abilities. Couldnt be them.
Que anda escuchando vzla?
Trump to sign executive orders banning transgender military members and DEI programs
Mexico is claimed to have the best gastronomy in Latin America. Non-Mexicans would you say that it is better than the food in your country?
Reasons to watch Bleach
¿Cuál es su relleno favorito de arepa?
Amor para la arepa con atún
Does anyone else not play The Watcher?
Thoughts on these?
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Havent played anything but pudge unless its banned for about a year AMA