best anti-nausea meds for IM ket nausea? (except zofran)
took too much cdp choline, how long does the depression lasts?
Does NAC make Aniracetam useless?
(21F) am I ugly?
19f be honest with me I’ve been feeling ugly lately
I keep falling asleep and cannot control it.
Im 15 and I only get two to three hours of sleep a night
San Francisco is one of my favorite cities in the US.
Best time to nap for an all-nighter?
Why am I always tired even if I sleep for over 8 hours a day?
Sochi, Russia
Getting brave, but also getting weird. Too wierd?
Here are some stickers I made today!
I tried drawing after years. I guess I still like it.
Is this towel red or orange? I have been arguing about that for 30 minutes
What is the black liquid? It’s Tonkotsu.
Are lower doses of 6-apb less sedating?
Has anyone ever watched 2001: A Space Odyssey while tripping?
HEY GUYS I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP (it's 'bout a girl)
Cant stop wanting trendy brand names
Honte que mon copain touche mes seins ?
i think I'm a boring uninteresting person
Very tired on 6-apb, will i stay like that during the whole trip? :/