Why is Halsin’s sex scene the most graphic?
Whats the quickest you’ve ever dnf’d a book?
Must be doing a boss fight
My friend keeps arguing that lowering CON is fine in HM
Dunno if repost...
What's your favorite spell?
I defeated Cazador without triggering the ritual
Villain playthrough.
Misty step has got to be one of the best spells
Which NPC would you want to adopt you?
Which NPC do you wish you could adopt?
The saddest loot in the game
And some of you masochists choose Honour Mode?!
Did you name your owlbear cub?
Long Live Mama Lobsters!
What’s your fave Gale line?
What's the craziest thing you or a friend has missed?
Who's the one character you leave in camp and why?
Book recs for someone who *loves* BG3?
If you need a reason to kill the grove
You're his lawyer, defend him in court
do you ALWAYS choose your unique dialog when the option presents itself?
Affliction Cleric of Bhaal, Desdemona
Best way to bypass the arcane tower turrets?
Did you speak to Cazador before attacking him?