A couple of legendaries I found recently as a melee character🍀
Should i kill the guy thats in the chair before rom
I just spent 14,000 eridium to get an anointment and still don’t have the one I want
Playing as Jaya VII, I'm torn between that +5 not close to river holy site, or go for the +2 river adjacent. Where should I do it? (Turn 26, sorta new player only had 3 victories)
How the FUCK do I remove this thing??
Lol the name might sound cringe
How long after break up did you start dating? How did you overcome the fear and started from 0 again?
What to say to someone besides “I know” when they tell you something you already know?
How the hell do i beat this bitch
why the paleblood hunt is not perfect
How does mild-semi starvation does in short period to an obese male?
Dark souls is hard? I don't think no hit gravelord nito
What are the eridian obelisk/podium things? I’ve done a full play through now I’m on tvhm and it’s never told me. When I hold the button it says I don’t know what that is
First time on Ds3, am I doing good?
I know for a damn FACT the laser rifle isn't that big
I had a realisation about the nintendo DS
Does anyone else get embarrassed of their past behavior as a child?
Why...? I... I-I've done everything correctly... Wh-why is he dead?!
Huh. That's so weird...
Anyone else not ever use TikTok whatsoever?
I’m a 19 year old aspiring comic artist and I drew Wolverine
I hope Jakobs somehow gets SMGs and Rocket Launchers in BL4
Can anybody tell me why a fusion core can power a entire abandoned building for 200 years but can't seem to power my armor for more than 20 minutes
How did this happen
What are your guy's favorite nicknames for things in ds?