Late Christmas Present
I Need Help With My Mental Health (Taiwan)
Opened the new carton of eggs to find half brown and half white split down the middle
Jiufen: the intersection where crowd meets crowd
Did Allied soldiers execute German soldiers when liberating concentration camps?
Worst cigarette in my life
Jimmy Carter just died…
For the Brits: 'Hula Hoops'
Japanese Kit Kats?
Meaning of this graffiti
Chart of availability and where to watch every main-series episode of IJ!
Be a good juror
Did my guy friend give me flowers because he thinks (knows) I don’t have much going for myself?
How do you know if a guy likes you or feels sorry for you?
You're probably wondering why I'm ordering only 5 hamburgers, aren't you and let me tell you why
The Mandela Effect: Why Do We Remember What Others Can’t?
Day 2 of Convention
Tourists Drunk In Thailand Naked
Urban Myths of BKK
Ancient Global Civilization Across Asia and South America?
Nothing to see here move along no connection
Introvert meets extrovert on train
Just pre booked a Grab to take me to the airport at 5am tomorrow morning, how reliable will this be?
what is the best and worst advice you have ever been given?
It's been a while since I used the app, whats going on?
China persuaded Russia