What's the most out of context SpongeBob picture you got
What is the best episode of Sideshow Bob?
One Coarse Meal is overhated
The Twisted World of Marge Simpson might be the most under rated episode of The Simpsons ever
Simpsons March Madness Round 1 Game 9
This episode had some great gags, but there was something unsettling about it..
What show’s lore or story has you like this?
And at 51, this was my last day of chemo, wearing a real hair wig that was styled for me.
Thoughts on this iconic moment of Indian reality TV show!
Kasam tere pyaar ki
What’s an animated film that everyone says is underrated but really isn’t?
Name a character that fits this (reverse version)
Which is most underrated show in itv?
What is the funniest Bollywood movie?
Most underrated dynamic in the show?
Tell me your go-to episode for every festival from tmkoc
Who’s Your Favorite Relative?
What shows are consistently good, with an even better finale?
Which comic relief is universally despised?
The golden era of tmkoc was ep 1 to 1000
What's for lunch tomorrow?
30 years ago, The Simpsons Family met Jay Sherman The Critic
Does Mike hate Walter or something? Why’s he such a dick?
Best first episode?
The classic cartoon and one of the first female characters in animation, Betty Boo, has won for B, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with "C"?