Sorry is the hair looks ugly
What would a bully for Nicole? Like, if she had someone who bullied her?
I know it's the first game though I didn't expect Karen to tell Jeffery to die
Probably friends
If Nicole hadn't been such a bitch to Ari, do you think things would have turned out better?
Did Jecka actually view Jeffrery as a friend?
One of Nicole least favorite aliens is Pepto, her Murk/Perk Upchuck transformation, but at the very least this drug pill helps with stomach trouble and get her high in some way, so win win for Nicole lol~ (Idea: Me/Artist: KnownMusk )
Alright Jecka and Nicole both are tasked with babysitting this little shit how long can they last before they have enough of him?
What if nicole met these characters at there worst moments.
X: I love Ari x Nicole. Literally the Ari x Nicole:
‘Nothings new’
dont have a title for this
I think this fits their personalities.
Who do you think will survive? Or who do you think would have the worst death?
Imagine Kylar's reaction after getting 92% on the Gay Test
How did you discover the series?
My headcanon is that Nicole and Tom are family or distant relatives, Hence Nicole's attitude towards others
Obviously Tomoko and Jeffery would be friends, they are basically different people same vibe
If Nicole was in the squid game she would obviously have been in Thanos' group, just for the drugs.
Two brunette full time bitches and a half in the same room. How are they interacting?
What would happen if Kylar became a cop when he got older?
Currently working on a fan-made machinima that follows Nicole as she deals with real life and is forced to confront her emotions and trauma. What would you like to see? (Details below)
Least Favorite endings?
Men need to use femboys like cocksleeves