It identifies as California Compliant 🐻
Not OC obviously.
Shoutout to the boys in New York for this diss! (Important Easter Egg in meme)
We’re not going away (this is for when you think about antisemetism)
Do you think MAGA Will survive after Trump?
Which terms/phrases do liberals *not* know the correct definition of, that conservatives wish we did?
So is the smith and Wesson sport considered a budget rifle or mid tier rifle.
I love everything about where I live except the challenges that come with a small Jewish population
For US Jews, what is your “my frog is boiling” indicator? Do you have a plan?
am i right to feel politically homeless?
Who do you think has a harder time fitting into the community; an openly liberal person in a deep red area, or an openly conservative person in a deep blue area?
What are you looking forward to with this administration?
If Trump gets Birthright Citizenship ban, what stopping the next Liberal President from going after 2A?
What is a RINO?
Why do liberals seem to hate conservatives so deeply?
Why is “ask conservatives” 95% lefties?
Thoughts of the President AI videos on YouTube?
Best budget first AR?
What do you keep in your Magpul grip?
Is anyone else questioning reality?
"In this country, we hate Nazis". Do you agree or disagree and why?
What three changes do you ask the magic genie for?
Shoutout to the boys in Nebraska for this diss!
I'm sure the first Austro-Hungarian service rife has a totally normal and non suggestive name right?
Hmmmm, I think something is wrong with my dolls