Thoughts on TT 36 DJ vs 36 DJ Wimbledon
Thoughts on Wimbledon Datejust?
Is David still a good seller?
How to Dress Like a Celebrity
1688 guide and analysis of available and potential replica sellers part 2.
Datejust Rolex
Looking to spend 3 months in the Phils, wondering what I need to know
Public Library added more comics!
Window Noise Removal
PSA: Train Consistently
How much do you pay for flights?
The Employee in Our Library is A SAGA Fan!
PSA: Philippines Got Harder To Date
PSA: Make Money First
How much to live normally (like in the US) and how much to live like a King in LATAM and SEA on average?
Has anyone spent a long period of time in either Athens or Istanbul?
Need tips for Manila
How difficult it is to find a Filipina with no children ? It seems very difficult.
Does Manila have any high-quality gyms?
Stop blaming yourselves
Philippines is not worth the effort
Approaching girls doesnt work the way u think
What is a roguelite that you guys struggle to get into?
Let's be honest, long distance relationship is not easy
trading to make a remote income for passportbro'ing?