Onyxia down 1st try with Anub
Artic Freezer III 240 reverse fan?
Golden Gate Bridge suicide nets have been up for nearly a year. Are they effective? [Apparently yes - eight suicides this year, significantly less than the average of 30 each year from 2012 through 2023.]
What's the hidden word?
What exactly does "Release Enemies from Pumpkins" mean?
majesty palm not doing so well
Tiny white bugs
Eating my tomato plant leaves
Help me save my palm
Lease questions!
Most useful relic ever?
Just finished watching My neighbours the Yamadas and don’t understand why it isn’t talked about much
Finally my first golden deck! Been playing everyday since launch. No money spent except for the one-time permanent XP boost.
This is some mission text multiple lines
How Long Does It Take You to Beat Whitemane?
Fishing for the right talent.
Herp derp meta
What about a “last seconds of the game” replay feature?
Bugs in latest and largest update
Rare Sylvanas worth?