What would you say is the greatest thing about Nietzsche and his philosophy?
What is the point of the Übermensch?
The Übermensch is only mentioned in a few parts of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Why does this concept dominate so many discussions on Nietzsche?
Why the will to power?
The Overman is a What not a Who
“What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.”
I am, in every way, a born slave. Now what?
Übermensch for what?
Is there an end goal for the Ubermensch?
What the Übermensch is NOT
Nietzsche would despise everyone here and wanted us all to be slaves
Those who don't adopt the eternal return will slowly go extinct
What's the different between having slave mentality and being a follower?
Nietzsche's Global Readership Claim: Insightful Foresight or Grandiose Delusion?
How to escape the Matrix
I see here a great misunderstanding with regards to the Ubermensch
Main qualities of the Übermensch
Nietzsche enjoyers, what are your political opinions ?
How does the Ubermensch accept the tragedies of life, such as the death of loved ones, insults and ridicule, failures etc? (Asking this as someone newly introduced to Nietzsche)
Ok so this is going to sound weird but...what are Zarathustra's powers? How strong/smart is he?
Nietzsche’s 10 Comments about Caesar Borgia
Would Nietzsche consider those who hate CEOs and billionaires as part of the herd? Blaming the strong (the ‘wolf’) for being immoral seems to align with herd morality.
Is this the ubermensch?
The Self-Certainty of Zarathustra