If you need a South Africa fix…
Huge block of snow dropped from over a bridge into the water
I modeled in a shoot!
We all have to start somewhere
Optical illusion
It’s not a top. It’s a bra
Anyone gona talk about this outfit?
“You forgot to pardon yourself” 👀
Seems about right.
Annie the entire season 😂
Just Finished Building This 2009 Toyota Hiace Camper Van in Public Parking Lots – What Are Your Thoughts?
This guy has the most insanely awkward posture I have ever seen. It can't be real.
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Just had my best braidout yet thanks to Aunt Jackie's Don't Shrink Gel. It really did help maintain stretched length and my braids didn't shrivel up like they often do. Hair still feels really soft, zero flaking 😍
Explain to me (AA watching this show with very little context of these folks/African Culture) who are these people?
Elon musk doing a nazi salute at the whitehouse. Unreal
Can we talk about this king?
This is what we call a confession
Job application
What does this add?
In case you wanted to know what Roseanne is up to these days…
105kg of front squat
What is this
Men in this show are mentally ill?
Season 3 thoughts?