I got to champion as th9!
When did trophy pushing become impossible???
My parents are forcing me into law school, but I wanna drive trucks
Let’s make it happen!
what is your zalpha range and why
What age was your peak pre teen culture?
What constitutes old is getting younger.
Mi volt az a kommented, amire a legtöbb downvoteot kaptad?
2005-2006 Borns I know you're very close younger peers of mine so you probably grew up very similar to me but
Mik azok a fiúnevek, amik nagyon nem tetszenek neked, és biztosan nem adnád a gyerekednek?
Is it bad that I was watching this at 7?
2016 is the worse 21st century year to be born in.
Dating is like poker
What’s your favorite A7X song to listen to in the car?
His gf broke up with him 😔
Do some Americans really romanticize living in Easter Europe?
Day 9 , still nothing , anyone else ?
How would you rank this tierlist
What is 2013?
Fake streams?
How old where these games came out between 2015-2017
If someone was breaking into your house right now and you could only use what’s to your right to protect yourself,what is it ?
Please don't categorize people based on when they went to school
What happen it just said I was withdrawing 518$ 9