Double flower on one of my new lophs
Reference image compared to final painting!
Painting of an orange I made
Is this a lophophora?
Is my cactus healthy? Ive noticed a bit of browning at the base on one side and I'm a bit worried.
Soon to be ex husband strikes again. What can I prop what can I not? My heart is broken . Please help save my looking glass and my angel wing
Second this week
Woke up tho this splash of colour today!!
Water lightly or leave alone?
I know pleiospilos isn't lithops but I was hoping someone here could offer some advice
Help! My Pleiospilos got root rot. Is there a way to save it?
Halo update 🥹💗🌸
A month after separation
My first Lithops in the tropical region. Any specific species types that I have here?
feeling very sad in the hospital rn, send pics of your Leo's to cheer me up? :')
12 year old Aloe. Identifies as a Christmas cactus.
Is this dying?
How much yellow is normal?
Lithops ‘Julii Kikusiyo Giyoku‘ is there a way I can bring out the red colour?
Leaves keep yellowing and dropping, any idea why?
Pretty variegations on my tradescantia!
Gave my Monstera Deliciosa some new soil!
My 20+ year old Begonia. (Has been cut down and propagated a few times)
Any idea what plant this is?
ID please