Hello, canadian here, is this a common sentiment?
Is Anyone Else Offended by People Saying We Should Give Alberta to the US?
Do you see a correlation between people sporting “F$@k Trudeau” stickers and the ones displaying MAGA/Trump stickers? Are they the same?
Vote NDP
Trump’s threats expose the traitors in our midst
Question from Canada
Why are we not politically aware?
The liberal party replaces Trudeau with a much more progressive candidate, after the next election a NDP led coalition with the liberals dominates parliament. How do you think an NDP led coalition would do?
Why are we not politically aware
Do Americans support Canada becoming 51 state?
Advice for missionaries in Canada
Looking for Alberta Stories About the Opioid Crisis
IMPORTANT Message from Canada
Why does the UK know practically nothing about Canada and commonwealth nations?
Is this a Canada wide issue?
I am so tired of Alberta
Why can't I laugh or smile the way I used to?
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