Meet Mr NICEGUY breaks my heart
My (23f) precancerous polyp
No More Tossing Out Our Sour Milk
The "Male Loneliness Epidemic" is not our fucking problem
C4 quadriplegic my first unassisted transfer ever!
My classmates saw my body, how do I go back to school?
AITAH for breaking things off with a single mom after seeing a picture and learning about her kids?
Bipolar II and Borderline Personality Disorder are VERY different conditions
Anxiety after colonoscopy
Let me turn your username into an AI image
Ethan you can not survive a fire in your pool, you will suffocate inside it. From an Australian.
Interested in joining Overwatch, but nervous because of the hate
Am I overreacting for being so Ultra frustrated right now.
New to shed hunting - is this a piece of an antler or a stick
Totally bombed it
My 11 year old son was diagnosed with a terminal illness in November 2023. Ask me anything
AIO or did I hold myself accountable in these messages?
I'm sure his mom says he's a "gentle giant"
Otter or beaver?
I think it’s almost time
Why do people in the United States not deworm themselves?
My dog attacked a complete stranger on the street out of the blue
Instead of wrapping the fork in a napkin and putting it in his backpack, by boyfriend bends it so that it fits into the Tupperware his lunch was in. I was speechless upon discovery.
My brother cut a tooth brush in half instead of getting a travel brush
Woodman’s Market