Gym Buddy
How do you spot a true friend vs. someone who’s just around for convenience?
What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?
Gym reco
FB Messenger
What is your 10/10 movie/series?
Sore Eyes
Recommendations for Hiking and Beach Resort
Buiilding some Discord chat for 20 something who are into personal growth
What type of job seems appealing but ends up being quite disappointing?
What thing secretly destroys man’s confidence?
may mandatory rotc ang phinma ui? applied ni in every courses?
Swimming Lesson
Learning Programming
Public Speaking Course
Gaining work experience while studying in college
What's the most important lesson you learned in college?
Being a student and call center agent at the same time!
What thing secretly destroys people's career?
Your username is how you die. How screwed are you?
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