First read WAT Adolins first battle
How many times has someone got bitten in the Cosmere?
Books that feel like the Mass Effect Franchise
[WAT] I think I finally figured out the significance of ’Son of Tanavast’.
Hypotheticals of era 3, modern firearm technology
Recommendations from fellow Sanderson fans.
What if someone bonded all the Honorblades?
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Could nightblood…?
Did Sara the coffee lady get fired also?
The plague in the tower
Summary of the world hopper ball
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Returning to building
Trigger warning for WaT
Forget the oaths. Which Radiant order has the coolest powers? Which has the coolest spren?
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"It's just a Novelette"
Do the natures of the Shards seem like odd choices?
Sanderson’s writing of Wax and Wayne
What did ___ mean when they said Dalinar ____?
Pools of investager?
We love books, but what moment or part has made you look like this?
Is the drunk guy in way of kings anybody?
Please, sir, I want some Doors