Which Anime Opinion Would Make You the Enemy of the Fandom?
How does a post about a fictional character possibly being autistic breaks the subs rules?
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?
What is your favourite word for women's breasts ?
I am okay with preparing my suicide and no longer fight against the inevitable.
Reminder: There are autistic assholes too
You know you talk about autism a lot when you didn’t realize it says autumn 😂
BNHA characters i think are on the spectrum and why pt. 1: Tsuyu Asui
Anybody else just resign to never being able to beat certain players?
I have really dry skin and people have recomended me body butter but i have really bad sensory issues with lotions
Which unreleased quirk skillset will be the most broken?
Well guys I finally did it
About a year ago this would have been an op team
Fun Fact: Froppy’s Camouflage Negates Hawks Tracking Perk
Some people need to learn to take a hint
How do i treat motion sicknes please
I already got stuff going on IRL and I can't even enjoy my favorite game anymore.
I HATE traveling!
Bagging a froppy as strike kiri.. good stuff man!!
Which anime is it for you?
Soy mujer y odio el feminismo
The father and son that never was....
Just another reason to hate nejire
This happens often…
This was just Devious she didn't have to do me like this😭