Last minute Saiyan Day predictions
De quem é a culpa c*r*lho?
Crack Theory: instead of Daima what if we get a New SSB Goku for Saiyan day + TEQ GF SuperEza.
Bosses doing aoe supers have to go this was way harder than it should’ve been
I'm looking forward to this rotation, especially if both units EZA in a short time.
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
With Dragon Ball Daima finished what do you think they will work on next?
“In Boston we are Irish”
Holy shit, first try, never been this stressed playing Dokkan.
This would be a 10/10 saiyan day
Would I be an idiot to summon?
Namek goku to every dokkan player who hated on him and called him mid when his eza came out
The Festival of Battles bosses have turn limits
Who was the strongest Saiyan Day unit at time of release?
I sure hope we get a Teen Gotenks —-> SSJ Teen Gotenks ——> SSJ3 Teen Gotenks as a DFE sometime in 2025
Is slot 1 damage getting out of hand ?
Dokkan community is too harsh on characters
In all of his appearances, Viltrum Mark looks serious and somber. I wonder why that is
Justice for the Drink
My Prediction for Saiyan Day
All Daima units have had some sort of support, what if the adults take it further beyond? (Mini Vegeta cope)
Montenegro diz que total de brasileiros em Portugal é maior que os 550 mil anunciados
Alguém sabe o que aconteceu ao epá?
Apelo a que os supermercados indentifiquem os produtos europeus
Parlamento rejeita moção de confiança e derruba Governo da Aliança Democrática