Tortoise or no?
Blue glow, white hot tubes
Don’t be fooled by the trap they are setting
Where will you migrate?
WG planning on removing winrate in UE5 update
Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same.
Minus credits for what??
Can anyone read this?
Give us better personnel carriers
How do you stop losing credits other than using credit boosters?
Does anyone know where I could acquire this exact tube? I have scoured the internet and am out of ideas
HELP PLEASE!! Tele Saddle not holding string in place!!
Totally fair and even
Any way this can be fixed (my mom bought it for me about 7 years ago) :(
Spent most of this game as a 1 shot
What's the lowest WR you've ever seen for someone over 1k battles? Brother was talking smack all while having the lowest WR I've ever seen.
Is there any tank considered good amongst everyone?
Troll platoon
why is the wt e 100 blue
Spent half of a match thinking I was in my Mino
Waffen f1 mastery
Mastery su130
Do you all grind out all the lines even if you are not interested in the t10?
First shot ammo rack, then a bone head move on my part