Awol’d both of my NSD days, union president says it can’t be fixed
Sex in the third trimester
Skye Peptides
Tubal Ligation or vasectomy?
Stroller / car seat help?
(Long weekend) Not looking forward to going to work on Monday. Blue dot is new route.
How much did your breasts grow while pregnant? Did they go down?
trying not to foster fail
What do you pay in rent and what city?
Are my outfits inappropriate and attention seeking ?
Confused about instructions. My medicine came with a syringe guide showing a syringe of 100 units
Tirz Baby
The way Florian jumped in Jasmine's face was scary
Medical documentation for pregnancy
First ultrasound today, feeling disappointed
Am I overreacting.? Is my piercing rejecting .?
What's the funniest thing you've said while pregnant?
What is it like to have a anterior placenta?
Growth scan was disappointing…
When did your stomach really start to feel pregnant?
Dog was euthanized today
“You’re so big for 5 months! Are you sure it’s just one?”
Fired on 90th day..
Weight loss after birth
Anterior Placenta baby movement