Something I noticed in a manwha I was reading
Who you guys think is winning Cockroach Vs Violence matchup
Hot Take: Yujiro’s rape threats are actually good writing, it aligns with his rawness and brutality as a character, When I saw the new chapter I didn’t even laugh I just saw it as a message that was portrayed really well, I’m impressed by Itagaki
You did good but at what cost
What was your favorite moment from convict colosseum?
Is it just me or does this seem kinda out of character?
Well exchange was actually great. But it feels so rushed.
Hahahahaha wtf is this
How annoying Voicelines are Tierlist
Has anyone realized they have been aiming at neck level all along and not head level?
If you could have any one character as your best friend, who would you choose. I would choose seki or gaolang
What the hell happened?
half of roblox game nowadays
This is a “Tough” one…
Is this feat possible in real life?
Am I the only one who thought that Jack threw pickle so hard he bounced off the ground and glided into the air elegantly?
With all the artists here cooking I had to lock in
I actually like the idea of Yogiri just beating anybody because of his instant death ability
Realistically if Yujiro had to fight 30 billion spongebobs in the story, How would it go? What BS would Itagaki pull?
What Character is this
R.I.P Agenda Trio
What are the worst runnig Joke/GAG this Subreddit has ever produced?