Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with YNAB?
Please don't yell at me--this is a great software, and it's helped us count our pennies through some very lean times. I will continue to subscribe and use it for the rest of my days. But does this software (and, again, it is excellent)... does it drive anyone else absolutely insane?
I'm a smart man. I went to a prestigious college, work in law, and have masters degrees. I speak two languages and I'm working on a third. And yet I just spent the last hour trying to figure out how...
You know what? The problem doesn't really matter, because if I state the problem, people are going to try and help me fix that problem. What I'm looking for some feedback that I'm not alone here. This software (which, as I said, is very very good)--it can be crazy-making, right? Or is it just me?
Edit / Update: Thank you all for your answers! I appreciate it. I wrote the post in a "hot moment" where I was having some difficulty, but as I said--I really do like the software overall, as it sounds like many of us do (I'm kind of amazed at how many answers basically boil down to, "Yes, it drives me NUTS!... but I've used it for years and will continue to do so" lol--that's the case with me, too). It sounds like targets are a sticking point for a lot of folks, and I've had difficulty with that, as well.
Anyway--thank you again for the support and commiseration, and if you're one of the lucky ones for whom YNAB is like water for a fish, I envy you!