Ladies help! Partner cheated, I know with whom and I seek revenge.

Ladies, please I need your help.

For context: My (ex) partner and I had been together for 5,5 years and had lived together for 4,5 years. He’s from india and I’m from the EU. We had been engaged, our families went on holiday together and I regularly checked in with his parents.

He went back to india for a holiday and booked a one way ticket (!). He then proceeds to stay there for 4 (!) months and spend almost all of his time with this chick who happens to be his cousins bff. He kept telling me I had nothing to worry about and that she was getting married, they’re just friends blah blah blah. He had been so shady about her and even had me speak to her. I normally dont get jealous but I knew something was off.

She recently got married but in india that doesn’t mean a lot…

Ladies, he truly spend a lot of time over at her place and I couldn’t do anything about it. He has accused me of cheating our entire relationship, had me cut of ties with my friends and he used to check my phone up to 30 times a day (his words). This is just the smallest tip of the iceberg.. I’ve never cheated and I refuse to be labeled as one. He on the other hand has cheated before with one of my friends. Stupid me for staying I KNOW.

I couldn’t stay anymore and left that relationship FINALLY (for many other reasons). He now lives back in India and guess what.. I have tea..

More context, we had a shared instagram account for our business that went into soup. I forgot about this account until a week ago and I stared received a lot of messages that looked like replies, strange right.

I realise I’m still logged in and I hope the chat. Come to find out they have been talking in secret!!! She’s using a fake account but stupid girl mentioned her husbands name in one of messages so I know it’s her.

I don’t care about him anymore but cannot help but feel utterly stupid thinking they were hooking up behind my back when I he was in India.

Btw, I know her husband too and have screenshots of everything. She literally asks him to come over and then like an 1,5 hours later a message saying it was nice to see him…

It’s been eating at me and so help me god I want to take revenge at these people. For years I have been mistreated for nothing only to come find out about this.

Sorry for the long message but please help a gal out. I want to be petty in my revenge (even thought to send them a cake).