Why Do Your Think About the Changes of 2018 version?
In my opinion have someone changes that I Like but are changes that I hate so much
-Hazel: In another Versions Hazel is a natural Leader for a Bunch which is very great but here is a rookie what should learn how is a Leader,in my Opinion this gives more character development to him but i Have a opinion then we will talk later
-Fiver: I Like then here is the Good Friend and the Inocent Little Brother of Hazel,in other versions is the traumed and the cobard of the group witch i Dislike it
-Holly: Here is more a Experiment Officer than Bigwig and Hazel,I Like it because is very Carismatic and I Like it how he decides to explote Efrafa and later has a conection for Hyzentlay
-The Females Treatment: OK,I like the more protagonist of the Females like Hyzentlay then is very similar to the book,but the problem is Clover,I like her More screentime and she conflict of adaptation,but here have the role of the Love interest of Hazel,in my opinion are cute,but is very extrange knowing that in the book and the 99 series the couple is Hazel ans Hyzentlay
-Hazel as Leader: OK,in this version like i said is A Rookie Leader but here the problem it seems then the Leadership have won it ONLY then he Is the Protagonist,very similar too a lot of similar movies
-Bigwig: Here is more a Jerkass and Dumb Muscle here,also has a stereotypical rivalry with Hazel,I Hate this Change because in the book is very carismatic,but here is very Bland
-Kehaar: Is the Same Thing than Bigwig,but at Least have a good Voice Actor (Peter Capaldi)
-Woundwort: Here is more a typical corrupt leader that wants power,like lore a classic villain,is meh this change,On the other hand i HATE the scene where wants thar Clover has his mate....................Very suck and innecesary
-The Shoot Scene: One of the worst,in other versions the scene is very cute,because highlights the brotherhood of Hazel and Fiver but here change that for the Love of Hazel and Clover................Yes,a Brothership great scene is changed for a Romantic Scene
In conclusion,various of this changes are curious to analize,ok is now to ask,Why is the worst change for you? In my opinion is the personality of Bigwig Even so,is my favorite adaptation of the book