Leftover Reviews at Evaluation
Coming up on my first evaluation. There are a couple items I haven't reviewed for various reasons - I made the mistake of ordering multiple sizes of the same drill bits; there are a couple items I'm still trying to find (I ended up having THREE surgeries last month); plus an incubator for chicks that I can't possibly know how it works in the time left.
I'm at 94% reviewed of about 220 items.
What happens to unreviewed items after evaluation day?
How do you calculate your true percentage? I'm going off awaiting review vs reviewed.
I'm not ordering anything until evaluation (10 more days) because it seems even if not delivered they'll count right away as awaiting reviewed.
I know this isn't a sure thing - but I'm counting my pending reviews as reviewed ... there's enough pending to knock me down to low 80's. They've been sitting there pending for 6 days and they're stressing me out.
Appreciate this forum. Thanks!