Niche Suggestions for GFM
In almost all games I played, Iran and Egypt are overpowered. They civilize quickly which is not realistic. China too should be almost always doomed and set for the warlord era.
North Yemen is underpopulated and with few provinces. It was the most troublesome area for the Ottomans to control in Arabia due to the mountains and the rebellious big population which lives on farms harvesting Coffee and Khat cash crops. Kuwait and Bahrain should receive a little boost for their populations. Over time, Turks make up majorities in random desert provinces (not realistic).
Haiti accepts Poles, they shouldn’t. Poles will make up a huge portion of the population especially if immigrants come to Haiti or if Haiti has factories, which is ahistorical, as they got assimilated IRL.
Creating a new farmers/laborers POP type for uncolonized provinces would be excellent. A similar thing was done for the grand combination mod. This is great because I don’t like seeing a random sparsely populated African state turn into a 70% British and industrialized area. It would be amazing if the ability to turn an African or Asian colonial state into a state is removed or made difficult.
I wish if the migration can be altered, so that certain provinces are extremely favored for migration while others are almost impossible to receive any immigrants. For example, in Algeria, French migration should be concentrated on the coast, while the desert provinces should never be majority French.
Nerf the amount of non-European migrants from civilized nations like China and Japan.
A daydream of mine is that the pop growth in industrialized states be slowed as was the case in real life. I think pop growth in GFM for European countries is extremely high and not indicative of real life historical population growth.