VerthashMiner HiveOS - Mining Vertcoin ERROR

I'm trying to mine VTC using VerthashMiner on HiveOS and I get the error below on infinite loop whenever I try to boot up the miner:

Skipping miner log rotation due to execution time < 30sec
[2022-10-02 11:46:37] WARN No GPU devices available on platform:
[2022-10-02 11:46:37] WARN index: 1, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[2022-10-02 11:46:37] INFO Found 0 OpenCL devices.
[2022-10-02 11:46:37] INFO Found 2 CUDA devices
[2022-10-02 11:46:37] INFO Verthash data file has been loaded succesfully!
[2022-10-02 11:46:45] ERROR Verthash data file verification has failed!
[2022-10-02 11:46:45] ERROR Miner configuration failed! (Errors: 1, Warnings: 0)

verthashminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

Got 2 3090's connected to this rig and I've tried adding the --all-cu-devices argument to the command. Anyone else run into this?